I really, really like your skin. Excellent work! There are two or three things I wonder if I could talk you into putting in.
1) When adding an action for a menu, and you select a custom video addon...would you make it where you can drill down to a further category? For example, if the addon has a category for Documentaries, be able to select it rather than it only loading the homepage of the addon?
2) Please enable the skin to use Extended Info Mod. When I bring up the context menu and select Information, it shows a different info setup, which can't seem to find actors for me. Plus, I like Extended Info Mod a lot. Any chance you'd be willing to add a button to the...I can't think of the word...seekbar maybe?...when you have a video paused, and you press enter...that...

to show Extended Info Mod (or your current info if the user wishes, depending on a setting) from there too?
3) One of the things I like so much about your skin is the time/date/weather display everywhere. I really like how it looks and it's very easy to read. When you pause a video, it already shows the time up at the top. I'd like to see the weather up there too. I'm fine to let go of the date in there.
It doesn't seem like a skin would really have an impact on this, but your skin is faster for me than the one I have been using when browsing a video addon that pulls info from Trakt. I really don't understand why it would be. Seems like the slowness there would be from reading in the info. But, somehow, it is. I love it for that! Really great work. I hope you'll consider my requests and be able to add them before too long.

Thank you!