outro support
have an outro option that plays random video files in a set directory when you use shutdown from the xbmc menu
why?? sounds like a waste of time. if you want it to shutdown you want it to shutdown. if you want to play videos you play videos.
read the xbmc online-manual, faq and search the forums before posting! do not e-mail the xbmc-team asking for support!
read/follow the forum rules! note! team-xbmc never have and never will host or distribute ms-xdk binaries/executables!
if everyone thought like that, then there wouldnt be a splash screen at the beginning, it would just load
(brandon @ mar. 31 2006,01:17 Wrote:if everyone thought like that, then there wouldnt be a splash screen at the beginning, it would just load
perhaps while it is loading its just displaying that splash screen to give the users something to look at besides a blank screen. probably would take almost the same amount of time. also the splash screen is a picture, which is only displayed as long as it takes for xbmc to load. a movie on the other hand plays out, takes longer to load, takes longer to finish. note the intro is not a movie. i also have a good feeling if you removed the splash in the beginning it would take pretty much the exact same time to load, only nothing would be on the screen. thus it would "seem" to the human brain it is taking longer to start.

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