Disconnect button for xlink in "My Programs"
have a button to disconnect/reconnect xlink kia under "my programs" so that if you don't want to play syslink games over the internet, and you wish to use trainers you don't have to go under the settings screen then to the program option then to xlink kia and then uncheck the enable xlink kia option. also it would be nice on this button if it visually indicated if you were connected to xlink kia. last bit isn't a big deal though as there is a indicator on the home screen too, though it would make it easier.
i was actually thinking something simple. you can't setup a kai game from under the games/emulators/programs section. the only why to play a kai game is to go into the kai section, select the game to join, then the 'play' button to launch the game. why can't xbmc simply tell where the game if being launched from. when you click 'play' under kai, why can't it just disable any trainers for that game then launch it. then just allow trainers everywhere else, like the games/emulators/program sections. this way you don't have to keep turning kai on and off.

a simple kai on/off in the my programs (or games) screen would do just nice.

i think a dev would need to code it just to link the kai 'section' to that button. i could not find any kai commands that can be used in the gui, but i could have missed it.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
yeah, i guess your right. i think the best way to do it would be to add it to the white button menu. when you have a game highlighted and you bring up the white button menu a simple 'enable/disable kai' should appear just between edit xbe title and where you would select trainer settings. and make so that if kai is enabled then enable part would be greyed out and if kai is disabled then disabled would be greyed out.

below are some mock-up screens i made.




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Disconnect button for xlink in "My Programs"0