New skin query
hey guys just got the 08-02 cvs buil with the new skin very impressed, the ffw/rew seems to work well now- congrats guys

just have more of question rather than a bug:

in the preview shots of the new skin in the movie shots, there is a video control panel under the movie (play/pause/rew/ffw).

i can't for the life of me work out on the default keymap work out how i activate this panel during the video with either the remote or controller

can anyone help please- like i say its probably more down to my stupidity than any bug.

oh yeah one other thing- when ftping the new build to the xbox 1 file in the mplayer/codec/ folder couldn't be transfered- it was called "". i removed the + and it transfered but then couldn't add the + back.

is this an important codec or will it affect the behaviour of the player?
ok no worries got the new skin- and it seems to be working fine.

just one quick question- the weather settings in the new relase don't seem to be in the xboxmediacenter.xml (used to be the last entries in the xml file), has it been moved?

i pasted it in from the old release- but am not sure if its gonna conflict with any other weather settings in another file?
the weather settings are now set in the "my weather" submenu of the settings menu. you can set your location here.

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