audio weird on my first H.264 p;layback
Been ripping my dvds to HD & playing thru XBMC for long time; just upgraded to gotham.

Now tried my first blu ray rip - h.264 file is now on hard drive and all seemed fine 'till playback.

The h.264 file plays fine if opened with WMP. But using XBMC the auido is "weird" - channel volume screwed up and non-stable (amplitude 'wobbles' in some or all channels (not each channel changing at the same time, so the result is almost unlistenable). Center volume to weak; rear too loud. Again, this same file plays fine in WMP.

Have the same title ripped from a dvd (mpeg2 file) and it plays fine in xbmc.

Running under win7, Nvida 630 video card, pioneer vsx03txh receiver. XBMC audio set to wasapi vsx03 nvida, passthrough enabled.

did not try this file before Gotham, so don't know if it would have played ok before the upgrade.

any thoughts or suggestionsHuh
Problem solved.

Amplification was set too high, apparently causing clipping. Now working fine.

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audio weird on my first H.264 p;layback0