Solved Episode Renamer

In TV Shows, for Episode renaming, when selecting " - " as the Separator and having all the below ticked :
  • add season to filename
  • add TV show name to filename
  • add episode title to filename

You get something like : "Dexter - 1x01 - - Dexter.avi"

It would be nice if the second hypen in front of the episode title could be removed, eg. : "Dexter - 1x01 - Pilot.avi"

Perhaps you could add a renamer that takes free form with variables like for the Movies :-)

Thanks for the Awesome application!!
Just tried it with current 2.5.5 release, and i get "Dexter - 1x01 - Dexter.avi" correctly.
Can you send us the logfile after renaming?

TvDB Lists the first Episode as "Dexter", so no "Pilot" Wink
But feel free to change the episode title to your needs...
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
Hi Myron,

I'm terribly sorry for wasting your time. It just so happened that the episode
I looked at in the "Example" drop down already had a hyphen without a show
title and thus it doubled up.

Yep @ Dexter episode title. I was trying to make it simple by picking something
off the top of my head and then caused more confusion :-P


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