Trouble with Photo Slideshow
I have an ATV1 with a Broadcom HD card running Crystalbuntu. I have been running Frodo for the past year or so. I have recently been trying out Gotham

Recently I started experimenting with displaying photos. I copied about 1500 photos to the ATVs hard drive in a folder called Panoramas. The photos range in size from 1 MB to 27 MB. The first time I tried it using the "pan and zoom" displaying each for 10 sec.

Under Frodo - The slide show works for an hour of so, then stops. It usually just continues to display the same photo without moving. I have to unplug it to get out of it.

Under Gotham (13 final) - The slide show ends up completely rebooting the ATV1

Under Gotham (Release candidate 1) - The show has been running for about an hour with any problems (yet).

Assuming it keeps running, I'll be happy. However, I do have one complaint that someone can hopefully help me avoid. When I first select the Panorama folder, XBMC "scans media" each time. This takes about 5 minutes and is very annoying. It would be nice if there was a way to avoid this delay

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