XBMC updates library from old source-location
I have a problem getting XBMC to understand I have changed my movie-source.

Before I had one source: nfs://[ip]/Movies

Now I have changed the structure, thus changing the source to:
'nfs://[ip]/Movies/HD' and

But for some reason when I run 'Update library' it find movies that I have in other directories under the 'Movies'-catalog.

Isn't changing the source enough? What else do I have to do?
You should have deleted the old source, and added the two new video sources with the proper checks. After that, go to Settings-->Video--> and then Clean Library. Then go back to the new sources and initiate a scan to library (not sure at the moment how it looks in Gotham, I assume its in the context menu)
Thanks. Looks like I got it working.
I also have the option to add sources not to be included in library scan.

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XBMC updates library from old source-location0