addons.xml.md5 / checksum in a repository
If you create a repository then there must be a checksum file (addons.xml.md5). Is it a 'must' to update this file every time you update your repository? I've tested it without updating this file and the repository still works. Can someone explain why we need this file and how this works?
The MD5 saves XBMC querying your entire addons.xml file all the time to check for updates. If the MD5 remains the same, we don't query the addons.xml.

So yes, anytime you update your repository you should update the md5 so that XBMC detects the change and refetches the addons.xml file to pick up changes etc.
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(2014-05-30, 00:51)jmarshall Wrote: The MD5 saves XBMC querying your entire addons.xml file all the time to check for updates. If the MD5 remains the same, we don't query the addons.xml.

So yes, anytime you update your repository you should update the md5 so that XBMC detects the change and refetches the addons.xml file to pick up changes etc.

Thank you - I understand this. Because I manually update my repository (for now) - is there a easy way to generate this md5? Or is it possible to change for example




(last 'a' changed to 'b')
Hey I hope I am posting this in the correct section. I am trying to make a repository for my addon and I am using github. I have tried everything to make it so that it updates on kodi when I update my repo. I don't know what I am doing wrong but it won't update. I have created a git repo using github and I have put all my files in the git folder and uploaded it to github by right clicking and pressing "commit master" .. When I download the github created zip file and manually load it to kodi it works but when I make a change it won't update. I have tried putting the adding.xml and the md5 file in the same section as the ad don itself and it still won't work. I have tried doing the Sb checkout way and it still won't work! It driving me crazy.... Any help on what the folder structure should be or where I would put what would be a great help.... Thank you !

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addons.xml.md5 / checksum in a repository0