Wake Up and Sleep Mode
Hey i want to wake up my computer when i press xbmc activity from my harmony remote. i set up the following activity in my xbmc

led tv turn on and set to hdmi 1

avr turn on and set to blue ray

for controlling i have enter the mce remote keys, i have mce ir receiver also.

now i want my computer wake up automatically when i press xbmc activity and sleep when i turn off xbmc activity.

please help me how do i do.

Currently i am manually wakeup my pc .
Not sure if this might help....?
My machine wakes whenever I press any button on my keyboard, remote or click a mouse button...
The sleeping part is set by the control panel on windows as normal... however there are different types of "sleep" often specified in the bios with as S1,S2,S3,S4 etc. Can't remember which is needed, perhaps someone else can... but I know that until I had the right one set, the machine wouldn't wake up unless a "magic packet" was sent from a WOL client.
That should mean you don't need anything specific set on your remote?!
good luck with it anyway :-)
Also, in Windows device manager, find your IR-receiver and make sure the box is ticked for 'This device can wake up my system' (or something like that)

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