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Kodi logo suggestions and ideas
Just another bunch of ideas I didn't develop. Maybe could be of inspiration to someone else Smile

I suppose anything that looks like https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=k+...&q=k+logos and https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=k+...play+logos can be ruled out Wink
Just to say thanks to everyone for their ideas and suggestions.

Some excellent ones in there.

This thread will be locked soon in case you have any last minute submissions.
Ok, so last one, nothing special, I didn't develop this enough, but still an idea.


I'll miss this thread! Wink
now that combined with a nice font could be something. I also like the submission from macardi - nice and clean. The O feels a bit too dominant though.
I wonder if we could get away with a backwards K for the icon part of the logo. Or if it would look too weird.
(2014-09-23, 18:07)samfisher Wrote: snip I didn't develop this enough, but still an idea.



Disagree, a great deal with with that perspective, nice and simple is how ideas that will be part of brand should be born and introduced (overdeveloped at this stage) is much a waste of resources imho, easier to visualize for all assets and not just presented as a splash which is nil % in the overall scheme of things, brand and logo related.

That said this is a really nice idea and simply put which strengthens the already considerable portfolio of ideas you put forward and perhaps one of the most effective dare I even think it.

I can hear commnets of how it reminds of this and that, but in a saturated market of imagery its hard not to relate this or that idea (kit kat) to something you already seen somewhere in the corner of your eye.
just realized that sams last icon actually contains all letters in it (at least with a little imagination)
(2014-09-23, 18:07)samfisher Wrote: Ok, so last one, nothing special, I didn't develop this enough, but still an idea.


I'll miss this thread! Wink

Another one I like Smile

(2014-09-23, 22:41)da-anda Wrote: just realized that sams last icon actually contains all letters in it (at least with a little imagination)

If I see what you see then the D probably requires most imagination.
Yes @ da-anda comment.

And to expand on my last comment after looking at it I think the left version would work better with perhaps some slight adjustments for smaller sizes, and using for the Kodi in text with one of the previously developed fonts.
Very effective, I think and simple which is perhaps the most important.

I actually imagined that in full and fuller size(s) version(s) you can add a stack of icons to represent video audio pictures and tv which could in time be removed altogether, ill see about making some quick mock up of that before this is locked up.
here is the stack I was talking about, something like that for 6 to 12 months on bigger sizes and then poof gone


shabby I know it was kncked up is two minutes while I also tried to recreate sams last idea.
Sorry, but it reminds me of Circle K
(2014-09-24, 02:13)Tempest Wrote: Sorry, but it reminds me of Circle K

Thats not even close.
Thanks guys for all your submissions, this thread is now *Locked*

If you have any extra last minute submissions feel free to PM me.
Thanks once again for all the submissions.

We sorted through 500 of them to whittle them down to around 50. Sorry if your logo didn't make it, it was a very high level of designs.

This thread will remain closed so not to influence the voting, but please do go ahead and vote:

Blog post: http://xbmc.org/the-kodi-logo-decision-and-kodi-devcon/

Vote URL: http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/vote....951f0d05ae
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