XBMC Add-on or XBMC Skin?

I am a newbie here and having read so many threads and seen so many available android boxes, I am some kind of confused.

Most of the android boxes available in market now-a-days say they have the following:
1. Update Wizard
2. XBMC gadgets wizard
3. XBMC one click restore
4. XBMC update wizard

Most of these wizards are personalised with their brands name etc.

What is exactly these wizards?
Are they XBMC add-on (With or without repositories)?
Are they XBMC skins feature
Are they apk files which are configured on boxes?
How do these wizards exactly work?

Very confusing and dominating by some boxes! I am sure most of newbies here would like to know this question?
go ask those who sell them.
They're often misguided attempts to make everything easy to install in one step, mainly for adding add-ons for bootleg video services. Even when it's just for the settings, they can sometimes break something because they don't use the right settings for that hardware. This is why we don't just have those settings enabled by default, because they're likely something that depends on the specific situation.

We can't specifically help you with add-ons for bootleg video services (per our forum rules (wiki)), but if you want to use them it's your own decision. XBMC/Kodi won't stop you from installing them. However, I recommend installing just what you want to use directly, rather than use any "wizard", so that you don't have to fix your settings or bloat up your installation with other add-ons that you don't want. A couple extra clicks can save you a lot of headaches later on.
Thanks Ned,
But my question still remains unanswered, Is wizard XBMC/Kodi add-on or is it something within the XBMC skin or apk file loaded on box?
they are add-on (sometimes including a changed skin) that usually hack all the settings in some way, that the maker thinks it works. but in most cases is just a failed attempt.
Sometimes it can be a separate program that changes XBMC from the outside

in general you don't need any wizard for anything.
updating is depending on platform pretty straightforward. normal add-on get updated automatically.

i would strongly advise to stay far away from them.

exception is the one that is included by default with OpenELEC. Only download/install XBMC/Kodi from the official websites
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Thanks a lot Ned and Martijn

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XBMC Add-on or XBMC Skin?0