Movie set artwork not showing up in xbmc
Though I have movie set artwork for all my sets in tmm, in xbmc some sets have no art work, and some do, but the ones that do aren't using the artwork I have in tmm.

Something else or a setting required maybe?
Kodi doesn't handle movie sets very we'll at the moment, you'll need the addon, can't remember off the top of my head what it's called though.
Kodi without the addon just uses the first movies artwork I think
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(2014-08-18, 00:37)AuXBoX Wrote: Kodi doesn't handle movie sets very we'll at the moment, you'll need the addon, can't remember off the top of my head what it's called though.
Kodi without the addon just uses the first movies artwork I think

I found some info on anadd on called moviesets, loaded it from a zip, but it only seemed to make things worse. Couldn't find much in the way of information on it. So I ended up disabling it.
If you have top level folders for your sets, where in that folder there are the folders containing the actual movies, then you can drop your art into this top level folder. So for instance, I have a "Back to the future Trilogy", with three folders inside and some art. In this case, its logo.png, fanart.jpg, poster.jpg and folder.jpg. These last two are the same picture, but I can't remember which one works!!

Once your art is set up like this, go to the artwork-downloader addon and into its settings. Turn OFF all three sources under "providers" and turn ON use local files under "advanced".

Then go into "programs" and run it. I have found that this is the only way I can get all my art to show correctly. XBMC on its own seems quite capable of adding the cover art and fanart, but I had issues with disc art/clearart until I started doing this.

This works for me but YMMV.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
we've built movieset artwork to work with the addon "movie set artwork automator" (

I do not use it myself, but it _should_ work with this addon according to our feedback Smile
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(2014-08-18, 08:18)black_eagle Wrote: If you have top level folders for your sets, where in that folder there are the folders containing the actual movies, then you can drop your art into this top level folder. So for instance, I have a "Back to the future Trilogy", with three folders inside and some art. In this case, its logo.png, fanart.jpg, poster.jpg and folder.jpg. These last two are the same picture, but I can't remember which one works!!

Once your art is set up like this, go to the artwork-downloader addon and into its settings. Turn OFF all three sources under "providers" and turn ON use local files under "advanced".

Then go into "programs" and run it. I have found that this is the only way I can get all my art to show correctly. XBMC on its own seems quite capable of adding the cover art and fanart, but I had issues with disc art/clearart until I started doing this.

This works for me but YMMV.

By "artwork-downloader", are you referring to Movie Set Artwork Automator? If so, I don't see a section in its settings called providers. I assumed it was automator based on the post just above this by mlaggner.

A bit of background on my setup.

My directories are all individual movie folders. There aren't any folders for sets. I used tmm to identify which movies go in which sets. Each movie that belongs in a set has images called movieset-poster.jpg and movieset-fanart.jpg. I believe this was done with the default setting in tmm.

All of this comes right into XBMC, but the movie set folders are without graphics. (some have graphics, but it's just the poster from one of the movies in the set).

I have the plugin.movieset loaded and the addon Movie Set Artwork Automator installed.

I think my problem is the setup is so flexible I can't get my mind around all of it at once to sort out the settings that work.
Can't comment on TMM I'm afraid, having never used it (really must try them all out !!)

I set my stuff up with MediaElch, although I also had an issue getting the correct movieset art to show.

As an example, I have the "Batman Original Anthology". so, in my movie folder, I have one called "Batman Original Anthology". Inside this are four folders (one for each film) and the poster art, clearart, and fanart for the set. Each individual folder for each film then contains the actual .mkv and the associated art for it.

The art for this top level is called fanart.jpg (for the backdrop), folder.jpg for the disc cover, and logo.png for the clearart.

I am aware of Movie Set Artwork Automator, but sadly in my case, it didn't do what I wanted it to.

Artwork downloader (available in the programs section of the official repo) is the only method I have found to reliably add the art correctly.


This is how it looks in my library.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Getting back to finish up this problem.

In the end, though I have all the movie set art correctly placed in a dedicated folder with correct names, I was unable to get XBMC to use these instead of the first movie in a set's art automatically. I had to go an manually select them to get the update to stick.

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Movie set artwork not showing up in xbmc0