Moving XMBC
Ive got a new laptop & installed XBMC, but I wanted to copy it from my other machine so all the addons are there when I open it (to save me having to reinstall every add on. Ive renamed the xbmc folder in c:\program files (86)\ & copied across my previous one....but it just looks like a fresh install

Does anyone know of any other files that need copied across?

I have a similar query for an imac. If I log in as me I see all my addons etc, if my wife logs in, she sees just a fresh install - does anyone know the same as above - which files need copied so it is a mirror image, without having to add the addons again?

Many thaks
Check the xbmc folder here: C:\Users\......\AppData\Roaming\XBMC

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Moving XMBC0