inprogress recordings missing from list
Posting here as it's not specific to a particular backend...
Has something changed in the latest version of Kodi regarding teh way recording shows are handled?

If a show was in the progress of being recorded, under Gotham I used to be able to go to the 'recordings' section, and the unfinished recording would be shown, so I could start watching it.... I could refresh that list by simply clicking on recordings again, if it wasn't shown...
Now however the show doesn't appear, until the recording has finished...


Extra info...

Exiting Kodi and relaunching the program does force the refresh in the list and I can then start to watch the in progress recording. ...
Quote:Posting here as it's not specific to a particular backend...

how do you know? what backends have you tried?

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inprogress recordings missing from list0