XBMC Crash while using Live TV Gotham 13.2

I have used XBMC for years without problems. I have just installed WMCServer and enabled the front end. I can watch one channel for hours no problem but if I move the mouse while Live TV is on full screen XBMC crashes. I have the same XBMC setup running on another machine and that one doesn't have problems. Only major difference between the two is that the one crashing has 2 Radeons in CrossfireX mode, the machines are basically identical. The logs mention D3D also at the end so maybe that is the problem? Sorry but I am not techie enough to understand the log.

Gotham 13.2
Win7 Ultimate 64bit SP1
AMD Athlon II X4, 16GB RAM,
2 x Radeon 7xxx in CrossfireX mode drivers updated recently to WHQL 14.301

Log file http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=345581

Any help would be much appreciated.


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XBMC Crash while using Live TV Gotham 13.20