favorites from widget
Is there a way to code a favorites button to my movie widgets? I use RANDOM, and upon click, I only get play or shuffle all. There are also misc up/down arrows that do nothing...those could be removed.

Also, any time I try too set a fave from a playing vid, it saves as '...' and only goes to the movie folder, not the movie. I only seen to be able to fave from the movie list itself.

Is there a way to code a favorites button to my movie widgets? I use RANDOM, and upon click, I only get play or shuffle all. There are also misc up/down arrows that do nothing...those could be removed.

Also, any time I try too set a fave from a playing vid, it saves as '...' and only goes to the movie folder, not the movie. I only seen to be able to fave from the movie list itself.

Try the skin widgets thread? Or what other method that skin you didn't mention uses.

Or maybe in the thread for that skin?
Image [RELEASE] Metroid
Image [RELEASE] IrcChat
Yeah. Already tried that.

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