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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
Hi everyone, so great to see such a well supported community here. I wonder if anyone can help with a font issue please? I am running openelec 6.95.2 with silvo on a Rpi2 (no build) but for the life of me cannot get the main menu (movies, system) bar font to change.
I have followed a tutorial by (the amazing) SEO Michael but although the font is a TTF, pasted in the fonts file and the XML in 1080i (MainMenu) is amended to match, the reboot makes no change to the font!

I have used both ES explorer and Windows 10 and notepad++ to make the changes, they stick but don't make a difference! I have a pulse build (uses a silvo skin) on my note 3 that I was able to make changes to using the same fonts, so I think the files/method are ok.

If anyone has a similar set-up and could point me to a tutorial/video that would be great. Thanks in advance.
Has anyone had Text not show when creating a CUSTOM addon widget in Classic left or right? I set it to addon and all works except the text is clear on Classic left or right. The box art shows for each item as i go up or down widget but text is blank in widget box.If I use Panel all art is there.
(2016-04-17, 12:42)jjmucker Wrote: Hi there. Is there a way to either change the font colour of the sub menu fonts or change the transparent background to a solid colour?

Go to skin settings...general...color customization options, then under home window you can change the colour of the fonts.
(2016-04-18, 11:33)JesterP64 Wrote: Hi everyone, so great to see such a well supported community here. I wonder if anyone can help with a font issue please? I am running openelec 6.95.2 with silvo on a Rpi2 (no build) but for the life of me cannot get the main menu (movies, system) bar font to change.
I have followed a tutorial by (the amazing) SEO Michael but although the font is a TTF, pasted in the fonts file and the XML in 1080i (MainMenu) is amended to match, the reboot makes no change to the font!

I have used both ES explorer and Windows 10 and notepad++ to make the changes, they stick but don't make a difference! I have a pulse build (uses a silvo skin) on my note 3 that I was able to make changes to using the same fonts, so I think the files/method are ok.

If anyone has a similar set-up and could point me to a tutorial/video that would be great. Thanks in advance.

I Added fonts to my build.. I made a video on adding font and edit Strings.po
HI to everybody. I am new to skinning and what I am trying to do is when I select a Menu [ie Movies] I don't want to open a window with all the Video addons but only a selection of them. Is there a way to do so? Thanks in advance.
(2016-04-13, 05:19)rgponce Wrote: Ooops, my bad. I didn't know that Big Grin

In this case, I could make a request?
In my opinion, rating flags are so important as flags for origin or resolution, could then be implemented in all views?
And if not too much abuse, it would also be nice if the brazilian mpaa icons were slightly lower.
Not sure about adding a rating flag because once I add one then there will inevitably be requests for more... Will think on it.
(2016-04-14, 01:03)solamnic Wrote: Hello Mike...
Really GREAT SKIN.... really great....

It DOES feature bannerplex Smile which is a must for me ...

Can i ask for two things?
a) when viewing tvshows in bannerplex is it possible to add option to scroll shows by moving shows to the right (left) and not down (up)? (like in the old aeon 4?)
b) using lowlist when scrolling movies is it possible for plot outline to be shows and not actors/producer?

THANK YOU agaiin for this GREAT MOD...
Sorry but BannerPlex scrolling will not be changed. All views with a single vertical layer scroll horizontally and all views with multiple vertical layers scroll vertically. I will keep it that way for consistency.

Request #2 is added to Git Wink
(2016-01-15, 09:50)junias Wrote:
(2016-01-15, 10:12)mikesilvo164 Wrote: Not quite sure how to test this using the PVR Demo client... Hard to add if I can't test any changes... Anybody have any suggestions?

hey mike,

you want to ask you, if the timeshift buffer indicator has already been implemented?? Wink
Would love to see this feature in this amazing skin Wink

if not yet, here´s another good thread on how an implemantation could look like: Klick

I still have no way to test this so someone else will have to mod it or perhaps Mr. V can take a look when he has time to do so.
(2016-04-16, 02:24)Trickeym Wrote: Thanks for replying Mike....

The best example of tv show specials from tvdb is the kids DVD Collection collection of Wiggles or Hi-5. The scraper will add to the library with format of s00e01, and the episode image can be the front cover or poster. Currently the icon episode view looks as below for my specials so would be good to have a showcase view as an option and I can change the poster to the locally stored image if required. Does that make sense?
The only way to add something like this is to use what is usually available for specials. In your first example, special #1 has a cover that is 300 x 300 so not the usual poster aspect ratio. Not really practical for me to add it to the skin so maybe a personal mod just for your situation would be the best way.
(2016-04-17, 09:54)reksp13 Wrote: I think I might of asked for this before or maybe I asked in BigNoid's thread. Can you please add an option for "Season Banners" in Show Case view for TV Shows? I had first requested it in warlion's Aeon Nox 4.1.9 MOD and after some testing it was later added. And when Mike_Doc released Aeon Madnox he used it in his skin. This is what it looks like:
And here is the menu option:
If their is a season banner on thetvdb.com or a local file named season01-banner, it displays the banner, if not it defaults to the TV Shows main banner or you can choose an image the same you would choose art for season posters and fanart. Like this:

I really hope you consider adding this to your already great skin. I have spent so much time making Season Banners for TV Shows that were missing them on thetvdb.com and fanart.tv I don't want it to have been a wast of time. If you want, I can send you some of the original files that were modded by "warlion" and "mikebzh44" from 4.1.9 when it was still being tested. Let me know. And thank you in advance for any consideration you might have on this subject.

I added this, it may not work exactly how you want, but it is on Git for testing. Take it for a test-drive and let me know if you see any issues.
Thank you for adding the plot in Low List mode Smile Smile Smile

Regarding sets


a) is it possible to add something else for icon for sets and not ..... (which is the same as when a movie is missing date)
b) in the right panel there is confusion Smile Smile...
maybe it should start with Movies of Set: 8
Superman I
Superman II .. etc (only titles)

and when are many movies maybe autoscroll..?

Really thank you for your great work.. i hope i am not a pain in the @ss....

Hello Mike Smile
could you pls point me to the correct file to edit the now playing (music) part on mainscreen?
the goal was to get something like MQ 6 has
thank you!
keep up the great work m8 !
- RaspBerry V3 - Kodi 16.7 - Aeon Nox Silvo - MQ7 mod
- Pioneer VSX-922 - Tannoy Mercury V4/V1/VC/TS-8
***another main menu background question***
how can we set default backgrounds images for each main menu heading via xml?

i have done a quick search on here and some of the answers have come close to what i want...but no juice. and i believe it's an easy fix (hopefully).

i know you can set the custom background images in the system settings. which is an easy fix. but that is not what i want to do. when i go to install my build on different devices (i have too many & it's growing), i want the custom backgrounds images to work off the bat. and i believe that the only way to achieve this, is to edit some xml code and have the images for each menu title in the "backgrounds" folder.

i have been looking through the xml files and i cant find anything that stands out (item id....). not like other skins, where the code for the background images are usually either in the "include_home.xml" or "include_horizontal_home.xml" file. after doing a search, i found some code in the "script-skinshortcuts-include.xml". i have added the following code to the other "item id's" and it worked for perfect for 1 second and then it disappeared.
<property name="background">/Users/****/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/backgrounds/default_bg.jpg</property>
<property name="backgroundName">/Users/****/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/backgrounds/default_bg.jpg</property>

replaced my name with ****

but just like someone else mentioned, when i went back in the "script-skinshortcuts-include.xml", the lines of code that i had entered, has also disappeared. how can we stop this overwriting of the code i've entered, or is there a way we can code the images in another file?

im sorry if this has been asked and answered before. but i've not got the time to read through 316 pages and the search didn't give me any results that helped me. so i had to ask.
(2016-04-19, 14:43)solamnic Wrote: Thank you for adding the plot in Low List mode Smile Smile Smile

Regarding sets

a) is it possible to add something else for icon for sets and not ..... (which is the same as when a movie is missing date)
b) in the right panel there is confusion Smile Smile...
maybe it should start with Movies of Set: 8
Superman I
Superman II .. etc (only titles)

and when are many movies maybe autoscroll..?

Really thank you for your great work.. i hope i am not a pain in the @ss....

I could add something else but the problem is what to use instead Huh I have it that way now cause I don't like seeing a year for collections when most span multiple years or even decades. If properly scraped all movies should have a release year except sets.

I forgot to check the plot for sets, will push a fix soon. Autoscroll is skin wide and you can turn it on in skin settings. The list will show titles and when you scroll down display the plots for all the movies in the set if they have one.

You are not a pain in the a**... yet Tongue
(2016-04-19, 19:34)Tork Wrote: Hello Mike Smile
could you pls point me to the correct file to edit the now playing (music) part on mainscreen?
the goal was to get something like MQ 6 has
thank you!
keep up the great work m8 !
It is in IncludesHomeRecentlyAdded.xml and search for the NowPlayingMusicWidget include.
(2016-04-19, 23:38)oldgit9 Wrote: ***another main menu background question***
how can we set default backgrounds images for each main menu heading via xml?

i have done a quick search on here and some of the answers have come close to what i want...but no juice. and i believe it's an easy fix (hopefully).

i know you can set the custom background images in the system settings. which is an easy fix. but that is not what i want to do. when i go to install my build on different devices (i have too many & it's growing), i want the custom backgrounds images to work off the bat. and i believe that the only way to achieve this, is to edit some xml code and have the images for each menu title in the "backgrounds" folder.

i have been looking through the xml files and i cant find anything that stands out (item id....). not like other skins, where the code for the background images are usually either in the "include_home.xml" or "include_horizontal_home.xml" file. after doing a search, i found some code in the "script-skinshortcuts-include.xml". i have added the following code to the other "item id's" and it worked for perfect for 1 second and then it disappeared.
<property name="background">/Users/****/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/backgrounds/default_bg.jpg</property>
<property name="backgroundName">/Users/****/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/backgrounds/default_bg.jpg</property>

replaced my name with ****

but just like someone else mentioned, when i went back in the "script-skinshortcuts-include.xml", the lines of code that i had entered, has also disappeared. how can we stop this overwriting of the code i've entered, or is there a way we can code the images in another file?

im sorry if this has been asked and answered before. but i've not got the time to read through 316 pages and the search didn't give me any results that helped me. so i had to ask.
This skin is not "build" friendly. The include file you mention is not meant to be user modified. It will always be overridden by the skin shortcuts script.

There is a way to do what you want but it is not user friendly. The skins used for "builds" usually have hardcoded menus which use skin settings and can be modified the way you want.

Since I myself have limited time to answer everyone with how to modify everything to their liking and also I do not like builds so I usually ignore posts involving them, however I will say this and never speak of it again...

You have two options but there is no support for either:
1) Search the thread for "properties" and one of the top 4 or 5 posts will give you some helpful info.
2) Modify the skins default shortcuts. To do that you can use the incredibly detailed documentation for the skin.shortcuts script.

P.S. That is the last post from me on helping with "builds".
maybe something like this for set icon?


(Of course it needs to be adjusted to silvio style (Black White) - but i really lack ANY artistic skills Wink )
@mikesilvo164: Hi Mike, loving your work, the skin as it is is literally the most stable one for Kodi! I have two small requests for your consideration.

First, could you add the new info panel to landscape view? I have a feeling it will look cool.

Second, could you add an option for both the old and new infos to have a text only layout? Currently it displays either fanart or poster. In my case, fanart is visible in the background, and when you select it as an info option, I have an impression that it clutters up a lot of space. On the other hand, posters can also be displayed in some views like showcase, etc. So often you can have two posters or two identical fanart images visible in a view. I think it would be nice to have an option with text only, for a sleeker appearance? In the freed space you could place even more info (if that's possible), or just expand the room for text display?

Anyways, I hope you consider my ideas.

Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

If you've found me helpful, eh, maybe press the Like button? If you like, you can click here for donations. :)
I also found those great icons... for sets Smile





Normal and watched icons..

They were copied from the Aeon Madnox and Shednox skins
While browsing the episodes of a series in Lowlist mode, in the left side it displayes the poster of the series and in the right side nothing.

Is it possible in left side for episode picture be displayed and in the right side the plot of the episode?
(2016-04-20, 01:14)mikesilvo164 Wrote:
(2016-04-19, 23:38)oldgit9 Wrote: ***another main menu background question***
how can we set default backgrounds images for each main menu heading via xml?

i have done a quick search on here and some of the answers have come close to what i want...but no juice. and i believe it's an easy fix (hopefully).

i know you can set the custom background images in the system settings. which is an easy fix. but that is not what i want to do. when i go to install my build on different devices (i have too many & it's growing), i want the custom backgrounds images to work off the bat. and i believe that the only way to achieve this, is to edit some xml code and have the images for each menu title in the "backgrounds" folder.

i have been looking through the xml files and i cant find anything that stands out (item id....). not like other skins, where the code for the background images are usually either in the "include_home.xml" or "include_horizontal_home.xml" file. after doing a search, i found some code in the "script-skinshortcuts-include.xml". i have added the following code to the other "item id's" and it worked for perfect for 1 second and then it disappeared.
<property name="background">/Users/****/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/backgrounds/default_bg.jpg</property>
<property name="backgroundName">/Users/****/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/backgrounds/default_bg.jpg</property>

replaced my name with ****

but just like someone else mentioned, when i went back in the "script-skinshortcuts-include.xml", the lines of code that i had entered, has also disappeared. how can we stop this overwriting of the code i've entered, or is there a way we can code the images in another file?

im sorry if this has been asked and answered before. but i've not got the time to read through 316 pages and the search didn't give me any results that helped me. so i had to ask.
This skin is not "build" friendly. The include file you mention is not meant to be user modified. It will always be overridden by the skin shortcuts script.

There is a way to do what you want but it is not user friendly. The skins used for "builds" usually have hardcoded menus which use skin settings and can be modified the way you want.

Since I myself have limited time to answer everyone with how to modify everything to their liking and also I do not like builds so I usually ignore posts involving them, however I will say this and never speak of it again...

You have two options but there is no support for either:
1) Search the thread for "properties" and one of the top 4 or 5 posts will give you some helpful info.
2) Modify the skins default shortcuts. To do that you can use the incredibly detailed documentation for the skin.shortcuts script.

P.S. That is the last post from me on helping with "builds".

thanks Mike for the reply. i honestly wasn't expecting a reply from you, but thanks for taking the time.

im not classing what i want to do as a "build". im classing it as, "skinning a skin" if that makes any sense to you. basically, slightly changing the look of the skin and not it's guts. that's way above my station.

the only reason why am asking about the background image for each menu title, is to make sure that the skin looks the way i want it to look and to save people from selecting the files for each menu title.

i will do the recommended search and read up on the documentation.

thanks again
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Aeon Nox: SiLVO55