help ?
Good night from already thank you for registering on your forum.
Beginning already for requesting a ca help this friend personnel.
I have used the channel list in xml format and use "" I have encountered some links in M3U8 and links treminam mp4 product does not work in this plugins, Someone I can indicate another pulgin that use lists in xml, or of preparing for this current.

I leave here these links to see if someone can help me, thank you from

<title>O Bairro</title>
Yeah... no!

Or in pt_PT: ummhhh... não.
Not understood your question
I don't understand either. Can you explain again? housse ipad mini 3 film protection ipad air 2
Don't bother. Those are illegal video files of a Portuguese TV Show.
As per Kodi rules, we can't discuss it here.

@PALINHAS, really? You don't understand Portuguese?
Good evening, I apologize, but it was not my intention infringe the rules.
Well in this case I only ask if someone shows me a alen pulgin this "" to read list in xml.
However do not understand why ask if I understand Portuguese, thou wrote something in Portuguese? h.udo
Thank you

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