Is there a skin with recently added (change amount )
Can someone tell me if there's a skin that when I've added more movies to my collection they all show in the recently added section.
Like I could add 60 movies and they all show in recently added ?
XBMC/Kodi limits the recently added to 25 items.

What you can do instead is to create a smart playlist:
  • Type: Movies
  • Name: Recently Added
  • Rule: Date added -> After -> 2014 (to only show movies added to the library in 2014)
    Rule: Year -> Greater than -> 2013 (to only show movies made in 2014)
    Rule: Play count -> is -> 0 (to display only unwatched)
    Or maybe all the rules?
  • Item must match: All of the rules
  • Order By: Date added

Find a skin that allows you to either add this smart playlist as a category or submenu.
Or increase the number via advanced settings.

<recentlyaddeditems>35</recentlyaddeditems> <!-- number of recently added items. Defaults to 25 -->

I didn't even think of that Smile

Although the smart playlist adds some creative features.
Thanks for that guys , done it adding some settings to some tuxen xml file , I think I done it right I just added this
<allitemsonbottom>false</allitemsonbottom> <!-- sorts the "*All" items at the bottom of the list when in Ascending order -->
<backgroundupdate>false</backgroundupdate> <!-- set to hide the video scanner dialog from the gui -->
<!-- NOTE: To get this working properly, you have to do a 'Clean Library' in settings the first time after you enable the setting. -->
<cleanonupdate>false</cleanonupdate> <!-- default set to false to prevent {{kodi}} from removing items from the database while updating. -->
<hideallitems>false</hideallitems> <!-- removes the "*All" items from the video library -->
<hideemptyseries>false</hideemptyseries> <!-- hide empty series in the video library -->
<recentlyaddeditems>35</recentlyaddeditems> <!-- number of recently added items. Defaults to 25 -->
<itemseparator> / </itemseparator> <!-- separator used for multiple artists/genres in tags. Note, this is *space* *slash* *space* -->
<exportautothumbs>false</exportautothumbs> <!-- export auto-generated thumbs. Defaults to false -->
<importwatchedstate>false</importwatchedstate> <!-- import previously exported playdate and playcount from .nfo files. Defaults to false -->
<importresumepoint>false</importresumepoint> <!-- import previously exported resume point from .nfo files. Defaults to false -->
<mymovies> <!-- Options specific to MyMovies XML file parsing -->
<categoriestogenres>false</categoriestogenres> <!-- Add MyMovies Custom Categories to {{subst:Name}} Genres (boolean, default is false) -->
<dateadded>1</dateadded> <!-- 0 results in using the current datetime when adding a video;
1 (default) results in prefering to use the files mtime (if it's valid) and only using the file's ctime if the mtime isn't valid;
2 results in using the newer datetime of the file's mtime and ctime -->
Changed 35 to 50 all seems ok
You only need the parts you want to use.


Ah right cheers for that appreciated Smile

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Is there a skin with recently added (change amount )0