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Solved KODIbuntu + VDR not working (SignalConnectionLost)

I just installed KODIbuntu 64bit from scratch (fully upgraded) and can't get vdr TV plugin working, neither recordings nor live TV.

When I start playback of a recording I get these messages in kodi.log:

11:59:02 T:140722304964352  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
11:59:09 T:140723827177408  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: pvr://recordings/Im Visier der Hacker, TV (tagesschau24), 20140717_182500.pvr
11:59:09 T:140723827177408 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
11:59:09 T:140722304964352  NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
11:59:09 T:140722304964352  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
11:59:09 T:140722304964352   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: SignalConnectionLost - connection lost !!!
11:59:09 T:140722304964352   ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [pvr://recordings/Im Visier der Hacker, TV (tagesschau24), 20140717_182500.pvr

syslog shows nothing special when this happens, but repeatedly this message:

Dec 26 12:17:35 xbmc3 vdr: [1450] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list
Dec 26 12:17:45 xbmc3 vdr: [1450] VNSI: Recordings state changed (9779)

These are the package versions:

kodi                         2:14.0~git20141223.1015-final-0trusty
kodi-bin                     2:14.0~git20141223.1015-final-0trusty
kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi            1.9.22-3trusty                      
vdr                          2.0.3-1                    
vdr-plugin-epgsearch         1.0.1~beta3-5              
vdr-plugin-live              0.2.0+git20130305-6.1build1
vdr-plugin-streamdev-server  0.6.0+git20130305-5        
vdr-plugin-vnsiserver        1:0.9.4-14trusty

Any help is very appreciated. I am an experienced Linux user, so I don't fear
to compile stuff on my own or so. I just need the right pointers where to start.

where did you get vdr-plugin-vnsiserver from? looks like an outdated version.
It's from the official PPA (I think) - as I said I used a vanilla up-to-date KODIbuntu installation:

% apt-cache policy vdr-plugin-vnsiserver
  Installed: 1:0.9.4-14trusty
  Candidate: 1:0.9.4-14trusty
  Version table:
*** 1:0.9.4-14trusty 0
        500 trusty/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

So it's from the official PPA, or not? Should I use a different ppa?

I pinged the package maintainer about this. I build this myself and don't know if there is any ubuntu ppa with a compatible plugin for vdr in ubuntu ppa. I know that yavdr provides up-to-date versions for their vdr.
Thanks for the pointer to the yavdr ppa. In the past I had problems mixing their packages with "standard" Debian/Ubuntu setups, so I need it to give it a try again. Even the KODI Wiki suggests using this PPA (shame on me not seeing this before).

So I just did and it works!

The only fllaw is that the version numbering of team-xbmc PPA and yavdr PPA differ in a way that the yavdr package is not recognized as newer automatically. So I had to pick the concrete version number by hand:

apt-get install vdr-plugin-vnsiserver=1.1.0~git20141008-a7cb405-0yavdr0~trusty

That's great stuff. I was near to drop vdr (as a loyal user for a decade or so) in favour of tvheadend.

Is it possible to add the yavdr PPA to KODIbuntu by default? I think there are others who believe in good and just do a "apt-get install vdr ..." Wink
I will ask the maintainer of the KODIbuntu. Personally I would purge those outdated ubuntu main ppas for vdr. They have version 2.0.3 of vdr which is more than a year old.
Hi Fernet, hi sprotznock,
i have also the same effects under kodibuntu 14.04.1. VDR installed from the original Ubuntu sources with the effect 'connection lost' after some updates.

I also will now switch to the unstable ppa from yavdr and will report back.

@ Fernet, I will salute you, if you could manage adding some working sources for vdr to kodibuntu.

Greetings, Burn.

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KODIbuntu + VDR not working (SignalConnectionLost)0