Need a little help with xbmc and android box
To start off i have an Android media TV box. It says that it is a Keedox A10-D
I have the latest version ofr XBMC install 14.

I have a few question about setting everything up.

1)First problem I have is i am having some playback problems.
I have a few files that play choppy and the sounds becomes off.
I would like to know how to fix this. I can play them just fine in MX player on H/W mode.

Next problem
2) I am trying to get the crackel addon to work. I am installing the one from the "Settings > Add-on > get more"
It installs but once i launch it it keeps saying script error. I research but i cant find any information on getting it to work.

3) I have a few video files that dont show up under TV shows or Movies. There is no information in the online database, which is fine but this cause the files to not show up.
If i go to videos > files > then the folder there in they are there.

4) An finally this is a media box problem not a XBMC, but can anyone help.
How do i clear the notification bar on this thing?

Can anyone help me with these problems.

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Need a little help with xbmc and android box0