new to kodi - please help

Im new to all this and have installed kodi on my phone and pc. i have followed some guides but cant really get what its about. Can someone help with a tutorial or guide where to get the best addons etc, looking for all films and tv shows and HD sport preimership games.

Any help would me be appreicated. pretty glued on with things just need pointing in the right direction.

Absolutely no problem. We help anyone who asks Wink...because that's the reason why it's called "community"!!

Go to addons, get more, kodi repository, video addons

Inside this category you can find any video addons that are allowed.

All the other addons for getting free live HD...and all sport channels for absolutely free are against the Forum Rules (I bet my whole money you've read them....especially the "banned addons" part Wink ). Otherwise it would be strange, that you ask about those forbidden addons and those piracy things which are illegal as hell. Wink

So...have fun with Kodi and the free and allowed video addons.

Btw...and I bet you have read this, too....this is what Kodi is about:

thanks for the reply,

no i didnt read the rules.sorry it wont happen again lol. i have got the free addons thanks.

is this same as getting the mx android box by doing and adding things manually? are they any good?

also how do i get the icons on my xbmc so it looks better.
For another look you have to install different Skins. Go to system settings, appearance, skin, get more...there you will find those Skins.

Most stuft from those pre-installed Android boxes is highly illegal. If you want to buy one, i would first post a link to a box you want to buy. So you might get a recommendation if it's a good buy or not.

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