Solved Bad words are not filtered in movie title

I am using:
=> tmm 2.6.5 (r1840) compiled on 20150111-0938
=> on linux

I entered a list of bad words to be filtered from movie names before searching on databases.
These bad words are not filtered, they appear in the movie name, hence returning no results from search (i must remove them manually).

Looks like a bug
I'll give you more infos when instructed.
You are right, the badwords are currently case-sensitive!
This is fixed in next version Smile
Thanks for reporting.
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?

i'll try the next version.Big Grin
(at this stage i just tested with lower and uppercase words and none is filtered... but i'll test again with the next version).

Congratulation for this great piece of software by the way.

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Bad words are not filtered in movie title0