Corrupt video files... FTP or HD problem I think
Hi. I have a 500 gig HD in an xbox. Everything works fine to start out with but things get very strange when I put around 300 gigs of data on it.

Anyways what I am trying to do is put around 3 to 400 divx files on the xbox's HD and just use XBMC to play back the files. Basically just fill up the HD with as much as I can.

So I've done this a few times now where I fill up the whole HD leaving only around 50 gigs free. I transfer the files through FTP in 15 gig chunks at a time. The problem happens when I get to around 300gigs of data on the xbox. At that point any files I try to transfer get corrupted somehow. Either the file won't play at all or the file will play but it won't allow FF or RW which is a sign of a bad / incomplete video file.

Not only do the files I try to add after a certain point all go bad but in trying to add them it starts messing up the oldest files already on the xbox. So if I keep going and try to fill up the full HD like I had been it'll corrupt pretty much every video file on the HD old and new.

I have tried this on two different xbox's. I've also tried a few different ftp programs all having the same outcome.

Is there some 300gig limit I am not aware of? Is ftp a bad way to transfer the files to the xbox? Does anybody else have this problem or know of a solution.

Thanks in advance,
256GB per partition, unless you use 32k clusters.
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Ahhhh. So what exactly is the point of letting the xbox make one big 500 gig F drive? And if this is the case if i do a normal F and G drive partition wouldn't the F drive be 120 gigs and the G drive be 370 gigs still a bit to big?

What is the best way to partition a 500 gig HD in the xbox? Is there a good partition tool I should be using? I always used Slayers 2.5 auto install / build large F drive option.
Use 32k clusters, as I said. XBHDPartitioner will probably do the trick.
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Corrupt video files... FTP or HD problem I think0