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Raspberry Pi wiki
I am curious, why is any reference to Raspbmc or OSMC gone from both Raspberry wiki pages in regards to installing Kodi?

Wasn't being maintained well enough I guess.
Thanks for that, I hadn´t seen that thread.

Edit: Weird approach in removing it though since Raspbmc is alive and well running latest Kodi.
I think I understand the reason now even though I disagree since Raspbmc is a totally different distro. But since it was linked to OSMC and was confusing I do understand it.
I have however added OSMC and made some changes on the OSMC wiki page so it´s up-to-date.
It´s still early days so there will of course be changes and additions.
My frustration wasn't really with Raspbmc/OSMC, but with how often people like to say "why is that link broken" instead of just fixing the link.

However, I do find it odd that Sam hasn't put a generic banner on the top of all raspbmc pages that say "you need to use OSMC now, go here...", but I won't make any assumptions on why that hasn't been done. *shrug*

Regardless, thank you for updating the pages.
You are right, the Raspbmc site probably needs updating.
The Raspbmc/Crystalbuntu forums has a banner.
The blog (first page) do mention it though, but it needs a banner or header or something that follows on every page.

I´ll bring it to Sam´s attention, but he has a lot on his plate at the moment.

Still, anyone that wants to can still use Raspbmc and be up-to-date as it runs latest Kodi today.

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