hiding drive/folders from browsing/showing up
I have an external USB HDD connected to a RPi2 that runs Kodi on XBian.

The root folder structure of the drive is:

Folder torrents have subfolders like Movies, Music, Series, etc.
When I add the first source under Files of any category (movies, tv shows etc) using root filesystem option, the drive will instantly show up being called '698.6 GB Drive' as a source, and will stay there.
What I would like to achieve the most is that only the category specific items would show so for example torrents/Series for TV Shows, etc, no drive browsing (hiding the drive for example), etc.
For now the most I was able to achieve is to exclude folders fom scan/list using advancedsettings.xml like:

Is ther a nicer/better way to do this so only subfolders of "drive"/torrents folder are browseable, maybe the Files submenu of each category showing only their recpective source?

thank you!

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