XBMC FTP-Server get "Kicked by Administrator" then "421 Too many users are connected"
Hi all,

I dont know if I am the only one with this problem, maybe its no bug, just a local error here. Anyway, when I try to upload something to the xbox through ftp (I use xbmc as dash), i get kicked by the administrator when I get to 32 MB uploaded, and sometimes 64 MB uploaded. Sometimes it works perfectly. This weird error started to occur when I upgraded to XBMC 2.0.0. And then when I try to re-login, it says "421 Too many users are connected, please try again later."

If someone have seens this before and know whatdo to, i would be grateful for the help. If no one knows, i guess I will have to deal with it.

Thanks in advance Smile

Which FTP-client are you using?, try FlashFXP or FileZilla FTP-client (I believe SmartFTP works fine with XBMC as well).

Using a FTP-client which will try to start more than one connection (like LeechFTP) will deffinitely kick you out Laugh

It could also be that your existing FTP-client don't close the connections properly, rebooting the Xbox (or XBMC) should help that temporarly.

PS! You can by default only make two connections at once to XBMC built-in FTP-server (which is is a ported version of FileZilla FTP-server), but you can edit the "FileZilla Server.xml" file to choose a higher number of users
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I'm new here. Smile

Since upgrade for XBMC 2.0.0 I'm getting this problem too. When uploading through FTP 100Mbps wired transfer I'm getting:

"421 Kicked by Administrator"

After transfer a while.
I've tested a 2GB movie file and it can only transfer 130MB of it before getting the error. But sometimes on files with just 30MB it hangs on this error too.

I'm also using a Wirelless G Linksys Bridge and... when connected through wireless I don't get this error. Only wired.

I have this spec a long time now and I use to change to wired when uploading or downloading big files, and it always worked well with previous versions of XBMC so I'm pretty sure this is due the actual 2.0.0.

Is it better reporting through http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=bro...tid=581838 or here in the forum is enough?
Since I can't find the EDIT button to edit my last post... I'm adding another.

Don't know if it helps but through wireless I can only get speeds of 4.8Mbps and like this I never get the 421 error. Wired I can make to 60Mbps and always get the error.

When the error appears i have to restart the xbox to be able to connect again.
Please provide a little more information here first (including FTU-client and network-arcitechure used, plus a debug log), then we will see if someone can replicate it or not http://xboxmediacenter.com/wiki/index.ph...Bug_Report
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- I'm running XBMC 2.0.0 in Xbox V.1.4.
- My FTP Client is Flash FXP but just tryed with Cute FTP and same thing happens.
- I Have a Wireless DSL Router.
- I get this error only when Wired throught 100Mbps cable connected to the router.
- If I connect the xbox to the Linksys Gamer Wireless Bridge and connect it through wireless to my DSL Router I can only transfer files at 4.8Mbps. Like this I never ever get the error (tryed transfer a 2,5GB game with full sucess in wireless).
- It's not a free space issue 'couse on the drive I'm transfering to I have 4GB plus of free space. Tryed to transfer to other drive and I get the same error.

Here is the complete FTP log that I get when trying to transfer a simple 795MB mpg file to drive E: with 4,65GB of free space:

Connecting to XBOX
Connected to Port 21
220-Welcome to XBOX FileZilla (XBMC)
220-version: XBMC:FileZilla version 1.5.6, (based on FileZilla Server 0.8.8)
220 http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbfilezilla
USER xbox
331 Password required for xbox
PASS (hidden)
230 Logged on
215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
REST 100
350 Rest supported. Restarting at 100
350 Rest supported. Restarting at 0
257 "/" is current directory.
List (cached)
List Complete.
250 CWD successful. "/E" is current directory.
257 "/E" is current directory.
200 Type set to A
PORT 10,0,0,1,14,116
200 Port command successful
150 Opening data channel for directory list.
226- Free space: [C:\ 10.48 MB] [E:\ 4.67 GB] [F:\ 1.65 GB] [G:\ 0.00 bytes]
226 Transfer OK
200 Type set to I
PORT 10,0,0,1,14,117
200 Port command successful
STOR Queen - Live At Wembley - Full Concert.mpg
150 Opening data channel for file transfer.
421 Kicked by Administrator
Transfer Failed!
Connection lost: XBOX
Attempting to Reconnect.
Connecting to XBOX
Connection failed (Connection refused)

It hangged after transfering 134MB.

Say if you need more information, please.
Gamester17, is this enough to report the prob?
a debug log from XBMC would be nice as well, ...but still not sure if this is a bug or user-error, would be nice if someone else could replicate the same problem on their Xbox to confirm
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.
I know that this only happened after upgrading to xbmc2.0. Before I had never had this problem. Is it is a user-error do you have any ideia how to solve it?

How do I do a debug log from XBMC?
Gamester17 Wrote:a debug log from XBMC would be nice as well, ...but still not sure if this is a bug or user-error, would be nice if someone else could replicate the same problem on their Xbox to confirm

I get the same error message as RoyaL, and when trying to reconnect to XBMC again, it says "421 Too many users are connected, please try again later."

And this debug log.. where can I find that?
I noticed this too. The only thing that changed is the xbmc version. if you google for this you actually find a lot of users having this problem since a few xbmc builds.

I will try and get you some logs.

I noticed this or a similar problem too. The problem I was having though were fixed in CVS late this past week. Update and try again.
Same here when I copied XBMC-CVS_2006-10-03-T3CH ftp and streaming started to work properly again but now after a couple of days and files ftp has the same issue again and streaming avi/xvid from PC started to stutter with some files and most of the time it would hang at the end of the avi and not return to the menu screen (black screen) (no matter what skin you choose).

I am having the same exact problem as described above with v2.0.0. (ie. Can only upload about 100Mb then Kicked By Administrator)
I have incrementally improved the problem by setting the Upload Speed Limit in FlashFXP to 2000 kB/s. Now I can transfer a few gigs before getting kicked. I image the lower I go the better it will get. Looking forward to finding out what the real fix is though.
Scratch the above, that didn't fix anything. I'm back to the same situation where it cuts the upload off at 32Mb and then kicks me off. So slowing down the speed is not the answer.

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XBMC FTP-Server get "Kicked by Administrator" then "421 Too many users are connected"0