No Enter! Help!
I have been using Kodi (helix) for about 2 months now and it has worked great. All of a sudden tonight, the Enter key stopped working. I have isolated the problem to Kodi--the key still works while on the internet, and I tested it with other various programs. Kodi is the only program where it isnt working. The other buttons, left right, and various playback buttons still work, but Enter does not. I have restarted Kodi multiple times, and I have restarted my computer too. I am using a AutoHotkey script for various commands inside and outside of Kodi, but I tested the problem there too. The Enter key still doesnt work when I disable all shortcuts and scripts. I have no idea what could be affecting it. Thinking maybe a system restore is on order. Any thoughts?

I guess I could be more specific: Windows 8.1, 64bit, Debug link:
Well since no one had even a wild guess, I resorted to trying a system restore. Unfortunately it didn't help. What did work though was uninstalling and re-installing Kodi. Thankfully I have all of my shows and movies accompanied by NFO files, so I didn't have to download anything to get my stuff back.

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