[HELP or BUG?] Black screen & crash when watching TV PVR

I'm getting a fairly regular random blank screen. It seems as though the Kodi app has crashed as it is no longer responsive to mouse or keyboard. I can ALT-TAB and close the app and audio continues. The main elements are that the screen goes blank/black and remains unresponsive.

This seems to occur more regularly when watching TV PVR via the ServerWMC add on, but I can have it occur when nothing is being played and I just return to the system.

I'm running on standard Windows 7 and the get same result with Kodi 14.2 and the new 15 Beta 1

I was running this system using Windows MCE and it was working fine (as far as MCE can be fine).

The logs below contain most of what I think folks need. Please let me know if I can attach anything extra or turn anything more on.


I have the crash log DMP files too if these are needed.

I've also tried with many different settings enabled with Audio and Video (things on/off) and not much seems to make any difference.

Wondering if the ServerWMC application is known to be stable ??

Have now posted a kodi.log with DEBUG enabled - this was produced after watching a TV live and it just crashed... blank/black screen and audio continued. No response and had to ALT-TAB and quit the Kodi application.


Not sure if I'm not getting any responses because a) I've failed to provide enough information or b) there is nobody able to help.... so far my experience with KODI is that it is no better in being stable than Windows MCE. Not sure if that's the normal experience but the TV PVR seems to be borderline. The video and other media is way, way better, but TV PVR support seems same if not worse.

Keen for any feedback where someone can advise what direction to take - should I move off Windows and try one of the Linux OSes and/or aim for a TV PVR under that environment?

Should I post this under the ServerWMC section of the forum ??

It appears your issue does have to do with the WMC PVR addon. You might want to hit up the developers' thread for that. If that dev feels it is a Kodi issue, let me know and I'll try to dig further. You may also want to uninstall all the PVR add-ons you don't need and run Kodi with only the minimal add-ons needed for PVR playback and see if the issue continues.
I raised the bug with the developer of the PVR add on and he was convinced the issue is with Kodi

Is it possible the problem is the codec being used? What codecs does Kodi use when trying to play Windows Media Centre created files from Recorded TV...??

If so, looking at the debug log above, it looks like issues are occurring with DXVA !?
The new beta just dropped. Can you test with a clean install of that (meaning no old userdata setting or addons)? Kodi users ffmpeg for playpack, so there are not really codecs to worry about. It is all contained in ffmpeg. If you can provide a sample file it could also be helpful for testing.

You can also switch Kodi to use softawre rendering to see if it is really DXVA issue or not.

Did you do as Krusty suggested and playback a previous recorded file thru either the file manager or videos section and not thru the PVR addon?

I migrated to 15 beta 2 and the video codec (with acceleration turned on) is terrible. Much worse than 15 beta 1 or 14.2 - not sure what changed in 15 beta 2, but the codecs are broken. All blocked and many artifact issues and rendering problems. This is when viewing MCE created video from Live or Recorded TV.

I then changed to Software Rendering, and this improved, but still had some occasional issues - almost none, but very slight block or artifacts.

The TV black screen or freeze issues seemed to have gone away.

I am crazy busy right now, but I'll try to remember to circle back around to this when work tapers back off.
No probs. I'll continue doing more testing and see if changing to a more recent display driver from Intel fixes or changes the quality. Display is an Intel HD graphics.
I also have an Intel GPU PC. Can you provide a sample file that causes your issue?

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[HELP or BUG?] Black screen & crash when watching TV PVR0