v14 Keep Watched status when update movie file to newer version
Hi All,

I update old cruddy movies every now and then like everyone does.
But for example if i update a file that is 500mb (avi) to 700mb (mp4) exactly same name etc
just the obvious (different file ext & size) the 2 movies show up (original / new) but then i do
the Clean Library and it removes the old file but doesn't keep the watched status for the new file.

Is there any way to keep the watched status of the movie?

Thanks in advance..
watched status is a combination of complete path+file+extension. If those are different it will loose watched status
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Would there be anything out there which would allow for us to keep the watched status by transferring it across?
If it finds duplicates or something it asks you if you want to transfer watched status?
I'd suggest one simply marks those movies as watched manually after cleaning ones library...? I'm not too keen on being asked questions from Kodi for each change I manually invoked anyway, so...
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Keep Watched status when update movie file to newer version0