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MythTV front-end client built-into to XBMC
Mine isn't in the default location either so it probably isnt that. elupus commited some fixes which make it compatible with svn version of myth today if your using that. have you ensured mythbackend is open and that mythfrontend works fine? i think elupus also kept gmyth in there if you use gmyth://.... so you might be able to try that. other than that ive got completely no idea.
Thanks. Mythbackend works fine as am using it with both XBMCmythtv python script and with a standard linux myth frontend. Am not using SVN backend. Will rebuild later run again and post the logs. Appreciate the help
Have done fresh build. Behaviour has changed in that now when I select a channel in Live TV the PC completly freezes and have to reboot. Both XBMC and mythTV backend logs here
Removed port number from the hostname and changed skin back to Mayhem 111 to make sure everything standard. Now no freezes when I select a channel but nothing else happens either! Logs here
well the difference is that mythtv is a couple of applications that have some mild bindings.
while xbmc is higly integrated components. no external executables every thing is done as librarys that are called from the main application. this is also one of the reason why xbmc works as well as it does.

i think the better solution will be the one that people are working on eg integrating a mythfrontend in xbmc. then you will only need the myth backend
gah i hate how the view order gets changed after i post one message.
i thogth that i was replying to the last post of this thread when i replied to the first just ignor it

dizzey Wrote:well the difference is that mythtv is a couple of applications that have some mild bindings.
while xbmc is higly integrated components. no external executables every thing is done as librarys that are called from the main application. this is also one of the reason why xbmc works as well as it does.

i think the better solution will be the one that people are working on eg integrating a mythfrontend in xbmc. then you will only need the myth backend
"unable to get recorder" means that there is no free recorder available. i only look for free recorders when i start live tv. so if a frontend or background recording is already running, it won't find any free recorder. (or if backend think a frontend is running but there really isn't any)

try restarting your backend. sudo /etc/init.d/myth-backend restart i think on ubuntu

also the one time it got a recorder, it got an unknown event sent from the backend. sadly i currently don't print what that event was. will add so it does tonite.
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elupus, thanks. rebooted both machines to be sure- still doesn't connect have posted XBMC and terminal logs here BTW thanks for all the work you are doing- XBMC and XBMC linux with mythtv support have been top of my wishlist for a while!
lol, and yet a third type of error.. Smile, this time it failed to spawn livetv on the selected channel. maybe i'm using the wrong id to start the channel. will have to look at that.
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have been trying various options. Having the port number on the end of hostname seems to make no difference I now get this consistently in terminal
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 8, got version 31
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 31, got version 31
(cmyth)cmyth_mysql_get_chanlist: rows= 73
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 8, got version 31
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 31, got version 31
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 8, got version 31
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 31, got version 31
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 8, got version 31
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect: asked for version 31, got version 31
(cmyth)__cmyth_rcv_proginfo: VERSION IS 31
(cmyth)__cmyth_rcv_proginfo: GOT TO ICON/NAME
(cmyth)__cmyth_rcv_proginfo: GOT TO START_TS
(cmyth)__cmyth_rcv_proginfo: GOT TO END_TS
(cmyth)__cmyth_rcv_proginfo: got recording info
(cmyth)cmyth_connect: cannot resolve hostname 'ubuntuserver'
(cmyth)cmyth_conn_connect_file: cmyth_connect(ubuntuserver, 6543, 16384) failed
(cmyth)cmyth_livetv_chain_setup: cmyth_conn_connect_file(myth://ubuntuserver:6543/video/tv/1036_20080221224405.mpg) failed

seems strange, the share is entered as IP not hostname

I only use backend on my linux box, linux port xbmc works xbox fails to play file... log attatched but i think the error has already been mentioned a few posts above.
so there is the fourth type of error Smile, ptipton you seem to get all kinds of different errors.

the myth backend might be doing a reverse lookup on your connection, and return that somehow. and apperently your dns server doesn't resolve the ubuntuserver properly, could be one of the issues.
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Yea, it fails to find a free recorder. Could you try this.
- make sure there are no scheduled recordings
- restart backend with the command previously mentioned
- try directly on the xbox.
- try same channel on linux build.

Oh one more thing, do you get a list of recorded shows? If you don't, your mysql setup is probably not accepting access from the xbox.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

Yes ill do it now Elupus... im 99% sure my problem on xbox is related to recordings that keep popping up in my UPNP share for mythtv ive never scheduled anything to record? and they are random channels aswell which i find very unusual.

Ill report back asap.

Oh and no recorded shows list in the myth:// shares only in the upnp
elupus Wrote:C-Quel
Yea, it fails to find a free recorder. Could you try this.
- make sure there are no scheduled recordings
- restart backend with the command previously mentioned
- try directly on the xbox.
- try same channel on linux build.

Oh one more thing, do you get a list of recorded shows? If you don't, your mysql setup is probably not accepting access from the xbox.

*there were items being recorded and i have no idea why? or where to stop the bloody things they are so random regards channels etc...

Step 1 : attempted to start channel on xbox (failed) same log as provided
Step 2 : attemped to start channel on localhost aka linux port (failed)
Step 3 : restarted backend in terminal
Step 4 : attempted linux build again (success)
Step 5 : restarted backend in terminal
Step 6 : (fell downstairs land hurt myself before attempting on xbox) (failed)

whats this mysql business? also any idea why myth is recording randomly?
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MythTV front-end client built-into to XBMC1