Kodi 15 Isengard bug on settings shorcut
I noticed today on my system and a fresh install of Titan, the shortcut at the bottom to go settings (the gear icon) no longer works. Is there a keyboard shortcut to get into settings since I do not have a homescreen entry for settings and I would not like to rebuild my entire Kodi setup. Thanks
The s key would open up settings.
The s key brings up the menu with the problem.
So I completly removed the ~/.kodi directory and restarted. I installed the Titan Skin from the menu and it gave an error on install and failed to switch. Going back and selecting the skin again allowed it to take. Afterwards I selected the horizontal home menu in the skin settings. On the homescreen moving down and selecting the 'settings' icon with the gear next to it makes a sound, but does not do anything. I saw another post related to this issue and just deleting the skin helpers directory did not make a difference. Added the output of the system logs below


Noticed some errors around skin shortcuts in the log
Isengard support is currently only in the beta version of the skin. The official version will be updated tomorrow.
Thanks for the response. I installed the beta repo from the sticky post and its working now.

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Kodi 15 Isengard bug on settings shorcut0