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I'm currently trying to see if there's an easier way to navigate PTVL.

For now, The only things I have added under global are:

<t>ShowSubtitles</t> but this not only enables/disables subs, but it also pauses the video and brings up an opensubtitles screen dialog.

I also have <o>CodecInfo</o> which works fine

<a>AudioDelay</a> which works fine and

<z>AspectRatio</z> that conflicts with PTVL's default sleep key.

And it seems that in order to pull up the side menu in PTVL, you have to first press "I" and bring up the info screen and then press left. I'm sure there's a way to get there with 1 key, but I don't just want to start pressing keys over here lol.

Basically, I want all PTVL functions a single click away and disable left, right, up, and down, so I don't make a mistake a skip back or skip forward when watching TV.

Does anyone have a list of all of PTVLs hotkeys, so I can map my remote accordingly?
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