Android Kodi addons on a tablet or android media box: Which is better ?
First time here so appologies if i have posted in the wrong section. I installed kodi on my android tablet as a trial and added few video addons but my experience is that whilst some addons works and plays others don't work or play at all and other timesthe resolution is low. Sometimes addons that work today may not work tomorrow. I thought maybe it is because I installed kodi on a tablet that some addons work and don't work. I have seen youtube video which shows all kodi video addons on android tv boxes working and playing at good resolution so my question is that if I buy an android media box would all video addons work all the time and play at a good resolution or is kodi addons hit and miss (sometimes addons work and don't work other times) regardless of the device it is installed on.
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Kodi addons on a tablet or android media box: Which is better ?0