Solved Amlogic: zoomed or not fullscreen picture
Thanks to stane1983, we think we have pinpointed the regression regarding picture being zoomed or not fullscreen on amlogic devices.

Please test this 15.2 RC2 build and report to confirm:
Here's my confirmation Smile

Tested all test videos I have on resolutions 720p to 4k30hz, working fine.
I just bought a new mx pro box and it came pre loaded with kodi. When I updated it to the latest version I had problems with the picture looking like a postcard on the screen, when I saw this forum I downloaded the update on it and it seems to be working fine now. Thank you!
Perfect thanks a perfectly.
My MyGica ATV1200 was affected by this problem and I'm delighted to say it is now working without problems.
Can you please exactly explain which steps i have to do on my device or KODI to install this build. Im using the M8s Android

I have the same problem, when watching a movie it looks like my screen is zoomed in. I have a 70 inch tv. Strange thing is, the same device i used it at my friends house yesterday without any problems...

Thank you in advance!
Hi I installed from the link and reinstalled the Addons but now I just get sound but no picture any ideas?
Just upgraded to isengard and the picture is still small
(2015-08-27, 22:35)bernzpeed Wrote: Just upgraded to isengard and the picture is still small
Dit you actually install the build that is listed here?
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Is there a step by step here you can show? I went back to google play and installed from there
Sorry im new to this. The xios xs was easier to program than this box.
fixed on my Amlogic Meson6 g02!!
The link to the install is in the first post of this thread.

It has not reached the google play store yet.
Fixed. Thanks for the help.
with CX-S806 (amlogic s812) the 15.2rc works full fixed, thanks.

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