2x scan and stall of Update library on startup
I have a consistent problem with scanning the library for updates on startup. Kodi will do the scan twice, the first time through takes about 3 minutes, then a second time through very fast in about 20 seconds, finally back tracking and stalling at a folder for about a minute before finishing the scan.
All my music folders are named like this: \band\year - album name
I have even deleted and recreated the folder and rewrote all MP3 tags within the folder, and it did not help

This is the folder is would stall on
\\FILE-SERVER\Music\t.A.T.u\2002 - 200 kmh in the Wrong Lane
You can see the stall here from 09:35-09:37 http://sprunge.us/chDC

If I remove the offending stalled folder, Kodi picks another to stall on
smb://FILE-SERVER/Music/diVinyls/1992 - diVinyls/

The stall persists.
It hung at the very end for the following directories, I removed the directory each time and then tried it again. This is the order of the hang, and each time was on the 2nd quick run through. It is normal to have 2 scans? One slow and one very fast? It seems like the first scan reads every file tag and the second scan just looks at the directory for any changes.

Zero 7
------> From here they were reverse alphabetical order.
ZZ Top
Yngwie Malmsteen

My RPi2s are connected to a gigabit network, I can sustain consistent speeds to the SMB folder much higher than the PIs are capable of.
Can't think it would matter, but the Music folder is 219GB consisting of 37318 files and is running off an NTFS formatted USB3 drive served from a WIN8.1 pro x64 computer with very little load and lots of free resources.

The database double scan and stall seems to only happen when I select "Update library on startup" (and then reboot)
I see the same behavior on a v15.1 Windows build, and multiple v16 nightly RPi2 builds

If I manually "Scan item to library" for the entire music folder, it runs A-Z once and finishes without the long pause.

What would the difference be in how the scan is performed?

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2x scan and stall of Update library on startup0