Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can I be hacked Via my Amazon Firestick bought from third party?
total newbie here. Not being tech savy, Im wondering if the person who sold me my Amazon Firestick with Kodi pre-installed could hack my Wifi network and therefore my computer and personal information, ie bank information etc. Possible? Likely? Anything I can do to protect myself? I didnt think of this until after I used it - doh!

Thanks in advance.
It's possible, but incredibly unlikely. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you want to be safe, you can do some or all of the following:

- Make sure any sensitive information isn't shared on your internal network. For example, I have a computer that shares video files on my network, so that my Fire TV/Kodi can access it. I don't share folders that contain personal information. If you're not sure how to check that, you're probably safe. Windows and Mac computers don't share any information by default, besides what's in an obviously-marked "public" folder.
- If you gave the seller your Amazon account credentials (so he could set up your profile in advance), change your password.
- Reset the Fire TV stick to its factory defaults and install Kodi yourself:
Here's the simplest question. Are you using only the Kodi repo, or do you have other repositories installed that provide less savory addon content?

If you have other repos installed, they can push pretty much any python code they want to at you, and that code can do all kinds of crazy things. I'd be surprised if it got your bank account info, because that'd require getting around safety features unrelated to Kodi, but, for example, it takes about 10 seconds to find a youtube video on how to create a python key logger.

My suggestion is to be incredibly certain about anyone who provides you with a repository. If you don't know them or trust them, then using their repo might not be a great idea.

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Can I be hacked Via my Amazon Firestick bought from third party?0