Movie Missing after Refresh
Hello, I tried to refresh a movie but canceled then. Now this movie is gone. It is no more visible. If I search, it is visible and if I select it - Kodi is just in the Movies again.

Library refresh didn't bring it back.

What can I do?

Windows 7, Kodi 15.2
I now copied the DATABASE Folder to another computer and there it is visible - so no database problem.
I can't answer your question directly, but sometimes it is quicker to totally MOVE the movie away from KODI's reach. Then do a library clean, then do a library scan. Now put the film back in the filing system and rescan.
Ok, thanks.

With a library clean you mean rescan every movie? The DB seems to be ok btw. If it is visible on another Computer, if using the same db files.

I guess the fanart cache is corrupt... How do I know what file I have to delete?
"Clean Library" is in the System Settings and it removes deleted items from the library. That way you could get KODI to fully rescan the film.

I think the real tool you need is the Texture Cache Utility and that will get in and fix artwork problems like this.

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Movie Missing after Refresh0