Win Boot HTPC using remote controller
Hi all,

I have a Hama MCE like this one and configuring correctly BIOS and OS I'm able to boot computer using the power button of the remote. This feature seems to me really interesting.

I've recently replace this Hama remote controller by a fly-mouse that seems to me much more comfortable and usefull. The problem is that I can't boot the computer using this remote controller (I can using the Hama).

My question is: What does it depend on? Why I can boot computer with hama and now with the new? Is there any way to make new remote boot the PC?

Many thanks
It all has to do with key-mapping and the signal that is sent, vs the signal received, a learning remote would be able to use the best of two worlds, OTH you can just make an adjustment to your key-map in your hardware to accommodate this turn on with the new remote. (not a Kodi issue).

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