Android Minix Kodi 15.2 playstore issue
I Have a MINIX NEO X8-H Plus with android 4.4.2 KitKat and i recently did an factory reset on the box, and now i can't download KODI 15.2 final from the playstore, it says my device is incompatible, i have postad this on their forum but they say that the issue probably lies in the upload on the playstore?
Is this an issue or is the final version not supporting kitkat?
I now i can sideload the app and so i did.
I have also experienced the same issue as reported by SLITEX on my Minix Neo X8-H Plus with android version 4.4.2. The Playstore says my device is incompatible with this version number. Users on the Minix forum feel that the problem lies at Kodi's end as there is something wrong with the upload on the Playstore. I have downloaded the apk file manually and it works fine.

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