Mod Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K, L, ....
Been using this modded version of MQ 6 now for a little while with great success but with one issue. When first starting playback the OSD is, shall we say, a little sticky. For the first 30 seconds or so it won't even accept remote commands (no play/pause or stop, etc). When pressing pause and then resuming, the OSD stays on screen for some 20-30 seconds before going away. This usually irons itself out a few minutes into the video but sometimes still persists. Anyone have any ideas? I can post some logs or screenshots if anyone thinks this warrants further consideration. But I haven't seen anything in them that is suggestive.

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RE: Skin MOD - Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K.... - by desepticon - 2016-03-10, 11:36
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Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K, L, ....16