Mod Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K, L, ....
(2017-04-24, 17:01)Angelinas Wrote: I didnt change Script.helper for this, I changed for me ....but not for Duration.
All is working for me in Leia version...
Duration now for video is this format point to use (Hour or minute)

Here is some leia view "Poster zoom" there use duration from helper script ## Hour ## Minutes
Duration in view is diferent...need to set as a unic..˙(user can chose what format whant to use)

Okey I understand but when I can't add my own picture to the playlist that I created so I uninstalled leila and installed
skin.aeonmq6kryptonmega instead.

So the conclusion is not to update the skin helper for then it works.
The reason I chose AEON 6 is because I think it's nice skin and it worked well on kodi 16 but not on kodii 17 and then I looked up this mod that works with kodi 17.That I get error script common plugin cache at Installation is not something I care about.

Have a good week

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RE: Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K, L, .... - by Bruce_Banner - 2017-04-24, 18:38
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Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K, L, ....16