Kodi 15.2 video playback crashes/stops during multiple skipping of tv recording
Hi folks,
i have a strange problem since Kodi 15.0 and the updates to 15.2 didn't fixed this problem.

On the disk i have several tv recordings (done trough NextPVR) and if i try to skip several times the video and audio output hangs and no buffering popup is visible.
A stopping or pausing of the video and starting it again does not work.
Only a full close of Kodi and a reopening of Kodi makes it possible again to playback the same file, which then is promted to start at the position where the video playback stopped.

Here is a log: Logfile
In line 923 i started to watch the recording.

- So has anybody a idea what goes wrong?
- Is there something that i can do to fix this problem?
- Or is it maybe a known Kodi Issue, which will be fixed in 16.0?

There is also a longer second log, were i tried to recreate the skipping problem but failed miserable. But my wife did it in < 1 minute.
Second Log

I recognised, that after the "video not playing anymore state" it is not possible to display another video. In the second log i tried to stop and playback another video which prompted me the "do you want to continue at x:yy?" where i pressed ok but the video playback did not start and i was put back to the menu where i started the video.

It is strange that the error behaviour did not occur everytime, my guess is it is some thing of timing issueHuh

Edit: changed title to better fitting title.
Are you jumping or fast forwarding? I have next pvr as well, and can jump no issues, but FF is like throwing the D&D dice. and forget RW
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
just to clear my confusion: jumping is like the 15s forward "jump" and
fast forwarding would be 2x or higher the play speed till you are were you plan to get?

If i am correct on the above asumtion, then i mean jumping.
As we can see in the second log, most of the time jumping works for me too, but my wife has some magic
timing in the button presses which leads to a freeze. Which lowers the WAF :-(
Yep, jump is correct. Or stepping.

The only thing I see, and can't figure out is: CVDClock:Big Griniscontinuity - CDVDPlayerAudio::HandleSyncError2

I may be incorrect, but that's when it looks like your video stops, and then you try again? Has this always happened?

I did a Google search. And on other platforms it seems to be related to audio settings. Did you make any changes?
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
I activated passthrough yesterday. Since then we didn't saw any new "stoppings" or crashs.
But i'm not 100% shure if this really was the problem. But i will give it a lookout.
As this error doesn't happen every time i have activated the "silent" debug log. This leads to longer logs, but it increases the
chance to catch the error in the log. So sorry for the long logs Big Grin
Good news!
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.

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Kodi 15.2 video playback crashes/stops during multiple skipping of tv recording0