Refreshing Apple Movie Trailers information
Hi there,

I, like many others, use Apple Movie Trailers to watch trailers from the apple site. With the current development of the script things really start to look nice. BUT:

It seems that the trailers show in the different genres, do not refresh. I have been using the new version (with database) for the past 2 months, and the same trailers are still in the Newest genre! So yesterday I delete the database file and did a full rebuild and now all kind of new trailers are present.

My question is: is there a way to manually force an update of the trailers? Or is it necessary to delete the database (including my favorites)?
it's being worked on.
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As this changed in any versions since? I'm on pre-0.99.2-1804 but I have to delete my db as per this thread to get it to refresh.
there is a context menu with refresh genre, refresh all genres(when viewing genre list) refresh trailer info, refresh all trailer info(when viewing the no trailer urls list) and there is a setting to auto refresh newest.

check out settings and the context menu, if you havent, you're missing out.
For python coding questions first see
Thanks. I tried that but didn't seem to do anything for some reason. I'll give it another go after a couple of days.

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