v15 Problem to share mediatheque

I encounter a problem sharing mediatheque.

Here my configuration:

Internet box with HDD containing media attached too to be able to share sources between all Kodi instances
Android TV dongle with master mysql database and Kodi instaled on
PC with Kodi
Android pad with Kodi

The goal is to share database on PC and pad.

I setup mysql database and create advancedsettings.xml files without any problem.
I put the file on TV dongle, establish path to source folder on HDD linked to box, populated mediatheque with data --> all works fine, Kodi on dongle TV is up and running.

I put advancedsttings.xml on place on PC --> Kodi on PC is up and running

I put advancedsttings.xml on place on android pad --> epic fail....

I launched Kodi on debug mod on pad. I see it reads well advancedsttings.xml but when it try to open the database, it looks at is local IP address and not on the one set up in the config file. It looks like the pad wasnt able to browse nework it is attached too.

I search and search again on the net, but don't foind something relevant able to help me.

If someone could help me to make my pad working, I will be happy.
Just a litle update :

I setup Kodi on my phone, Android too, copy cml files and it works flawlessly and immediatly.

My pad is cursed or what?

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