Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Krypton
Below you'll find an up-to-date list of all changes made to the skinning engine since the release of Kodi Jarvis.



new feature

new actions

new built-in functions

removed built-in functions

new infolabels

changed infolabels
  • ListItem.Rating - for songs it's now the scraped rating (details)
  • ListItem.UserRating - now available for albums/songs (details)
  • ListItem.RatingAndVotes - now available for albums/songs (details)
  • ListItem.DBType - now available in the music library (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Name) -> ListItem.AddonName (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Version) -> ListItem.AddonVersion (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Creator) -> ListItem.AddonCreator (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Summary) -> ListItem.AddonSummary (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Description) -> ListItem.AddonDescription (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Disclaimer) -> ListItem.AddonDisclaimer (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Broken) -> ListItem.AddonBroken (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Type) -> ListItem.AddonType (details)

removed infolabels

new infobools

changed infobools
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Installed) > ListItem.Property(Addon.IsInstalled) (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Enabled) > ListItem.Property(Addon.IsEnabled) (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.UpdateAvail) > ListItem.Property(Addon.HasUpdate) (details)

removed infobools

deprecated infobools


new defaulticons

changed defaulticons
  • unknown-user.png -> DefaultUser.png (details)

new database path

new content type

new control type

removed control types

epggrid control

grouplist control

slider control

new dialogs

new window names

removed window names


  • remove listitems (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Name) --> ListItem.Label (details)
  • ListItem.Property(AddonName) --> ListItem.Label2 (details)
  • ListItem.Property(Icon) --> ListItem.Icon (details)










  • remove radiobutton id="8" (details)
  • change radiobutton id="9" to id="8" (details)
  • add ActivateWindow(TVTimerRules) / ActivateWindow(RadioTimerRules) (details)
  • update visible conditions (details)




SmartPlaylistEditor.xml / SmartPlaylistRule.xml
  • converted several controls to regular "button" controls" (details)


Please keep this thread clean. It should be an easy overview for skinners who are updating their skin for Kodi Krypton.
For discussions / feature requests / bugreports, please find (or create) the appropriate thread in the skin development forum.
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Jarvis

Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Isengard

Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Helix

Changes to the skinning engine for XBMC Gotham

Changes to the skinning engine for XBMC Frodo

Changes to the skinning engine for XBMC Eden

Changes to the skinning engine for XBMC Dharma
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2015-12-05 new built-in function - InstallAddon()

instead of adding a long list of addon dependencies to your addon.xml,
please consider whether you can remove some of them and instead use the
InstallAddon() function in your skin to install addons on demand.

forum discussion: 231104 (thread)
git commit:
pull request: 8419 (PR)
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
2015-12-06 music ratings changes

this applies to albums and songs:
ratings have been split into
  • ListItem.Rating (scraped rating)
  • ListItem.UserRating (user set rating)

this info label has been added:
  • ListItem.RatingAndVotes (for albums/songs)
  • MusicPlayer.UserRating (for songs)

this info label has been removed:
  • ListItem.StarRating

also, these ratings now use a 1-10 rating system (used to be 1-5).

git commit:
pull request: 8405 (PR)
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Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
Will be superseded by

(2015-12-06, 16:23)ronie Wrote: 2015-12-06 DialogContentSettings.xml changes

needed changes:
  • replace spincontrol (id="20") with a button control (id="20")
  • remove the list control (id="21") and replace it with a button (id="21")

some cleanup / navigation fixes might be needed in your skin as well.


git commit:
pull request: 8320 (PR)
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2015-12-06 xbmc.gui - version bump

xbmc.gui has been bumped to 5.11.0.

git commit:
pull request: 8495 (PR)
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2015-12-15 DialogSelect.xml - cancel button

add a cancel button (id="7") in DialogSelect.xml
in case you already had a custom cancel button, change it's id to 7 and remove the onclick and label tags.

git commit:
pull request: 8417 (PR)
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2015-12-18 MyPVRTimers.xml - changes

pvr timers have been split in 'repeating timers' and 'one off timers'.
the repeating timers have been moved to two new windows:
  • TVTimerRules
  • RadioTimerRules
both will keep using the MyPVRTimers.xml file.

required changes:
  • remove radiobutton id="8" (group timers)
  • change the id of radiobutton id="9" to id="8" (Hide disabled timers)
  • add ActivateWindow(TVTimerRules) / ActivateWindow(RadioTimerRules) somewhere so the new windows can be accessed
  • update your visible conditions to include Window.IsVisible(TVTimerRules) / Window.IsVisible(RadioTimerRules) where needed

git commit:
pull request: 8561 (PR)
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
2015-12-29 AddonBrowser.xml - changes

a few settings that were on the sidemenu of the addon browser have been moved to the system settings window.

needed changes:
  • remove radiobutton id="6" (notifications)
  • change the label of button id="5" to 10004 (settings)

this change also introduces a new boolean condition:
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Orphaned)

git commit:
pull request: 8607 (PR)
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
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2015-12-31 Changed infolabel

ListItem.DBType now also works in the music library.
it will return 'artist', 'album' or 'song', depending on the listitem.

git commit:
pull request: 8711 (PR)
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2016-01-04 New infolabels
  • ListItem.Tag
  • ListItem.Set

will return the name of the 'tag' or 'set' the item is part of.

git commit:
pull request: 8721 (PR)
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2016-01-04 Changed infobools

old names:
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Installed)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.Enabled)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.UpdateAvail)

new names:
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.IsInstalled)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.IsEnabled)
  • ListItem.Property(Addon.HasUpdate)

for use in the addon window/dialogs

git commit:
pull request: 8682 (PR)
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
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2016-01-05 New built-in function
  • Skin.SelectBool()

up 'till now skins couldn't use spincontrols (or any other button) to make a selection between multiple options.
this new function allows skins to use a select dialog to select between multiple skin setting options.

you need to pass the header label and the labels and the names of the skin settings:
Skin.SelectBool(424, 31411|RecentWidget, 31412|RandomWidget, 31413|InProgressWidget)

git commit:
pull request: 8303 (PR)
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
2016-01-05 New infolabels

in order to support multiple ratings in the future (needs scraper support),
the following new infolabels have been added:
  • ListItem.Rating(<name>)
  • ListItem.Votes(<name>)
  • ListItem.RatingAndVotes(<name>)

this will allow skins to display a rating from a specific metadata provider, eg:

git commit:
git commit:
pull request: 8080 (PR)
pull request: 8788 (PR)
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
2016-01-09 New infolabel
  • ListItem.SetID

show a list of movies belonging to the same set as the focused movie: <content target="video">videodb://movies/sets/$INFO[ListItem.SetID]</content>
provide a shortcut to open the movie set directly: ActivateWindow(Videos,videodb://movies/sets/$INFO[ListItem.SetID],return)

git commit:
pull request: 8759 (PR)
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Changes to the skinning engine for Kodi Krypton3
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