Kodi can't see server?
Strange issue....possibly simple/stupid?

Upgraded UNRAID server from 4.7 to current 6.XX ( 5 days ago). Played with all the settings, IP addresses, etc...Verified that I could watch movies and tv shows. Previously I had my Computers named "Tower" (UnRaid server default name), Alderaan (PC 1), Millennium (PC 2), and DeathStar (windows 7 machine running Kodi that talks to server).

All I wanted to do is change name of "DeathStar" machine to "RebelBase" (no spaces in either name for naming convention issues) and "Tower" to "DeathStar". I can access all data on Server ("Tower" now renamed "DeathStar") from ANY computer INCLUDING the PC that is for the purpose of running kodi.

The problem.... WITHIN Kodi I can't access anything on my server (aka "Tower" renamed to DeathStar")! Only because I can see all data on server from any and all computers I would rule out issues related to UnRaid but I am open to suggestions. I also have not tried to just change names back to original configuration to test if that works.

Is there a checkbox, a button, a setting to modify that I am missing? In theory the names of computers shouldn't matter provided correct characters (no spaces, special,etc) so I am at a loss?

Any ideas?

Thank you for the help...

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