Emulation Launcher
Hi there,

Got a RP2 with Retropie and Kodi running.
Kodi can be launched from within EmulationStation.

However, I'm not satisfied with this HTPC experience.
I want to drop that Retropie stuff and have Kodi as my only user-frontend.

Thus, I need to launch my emulators (all using retroarch/libretro) from within Kodi.

I've searched and read a lot on this and it seems there are at least 3 possibilities:
- use Retroplayer
- Use RCB
- use AdvLauncher

All of them have advantages and disadvantages. Retroplayer seems still to be buggy, AdvLauncher is dead (?).
What do you think will give the best emulator experience from within Kodi?
I have no problem with text configs and shell scripts...
But the enduser-experience shall be good...

Any ideas? What are you using?
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thats how we solved it at OSMC
Hi swetoast,
Thanks for your reply.

The link mentiones some "launcher". Is this the advLauncher or is this something written specificaly for OSMC?
My biggest questions is launching the emulators, the installation should be no problem.

Another question you might answer: does OSMC's Kodi have gamepad support?
That launcher is specific and yes we offer gamepad support in current form we only support at limited extent but we rewriting it so there will work "out of the box".

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