HW recommendations for running KODI & NAS in virtual machines
So far I have been running Kodi on low-end gadgets such as RPi, FireTV with a budget NAS attached that houses only one disk. I am now planning to make a big step ahead and I would like to set up a new config as follows:
1. It should be one small-form box running multiple virtual machines, as a minimum: Kodi, NAS, general linux server (nothing heavy), router
2. I am fine with full HD now but would prefer to be ready for 4K
3. If possible I would prefer a fanless setup with very low standby consumption (would be running 24/7)
4. It does not need to accomodate more than 1x SSD and 2x 3.5" HDDs
5. I would also want it to function as an AP

So all in all I am looking for a machine which is powerful enough for the above functions running in separate virtual machines and is particularly good at running Kodi. Any advices? Is Intel NUC appropriate for this? I reckon I do not need an i7 for this workload.
I think you're better off with purpose built machines. Buy a NAS box. I bought the HP Microserver Gen8 and put freenas on it. It handles all my multimedia streaming/downloading/etc needs.

Anything running all that kit is not going to be silent and you'll want to put components, like the NAS server,in different rooms.
I wouldn't do all of that on the machine running Kodi. I'd have that box in a closet and a small silent box at the TV for playback.

Also, this subforum is for people to post pictures of their setup, you'll get more help by moving this to the general hardware subforum
You might want to look at some of QNAPs kit. I have the TS-451 and it runs Kodi, VMs etc. and has a HDMI out.

Mine is kept in my TV unit and the fan is whisper quiet. My model has 4GB ram and Dual Core CPU and is never anywhere near maxed out.

I'm sure some of the QNAP TS-71x series handle 4k video.

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HW recommendations for running KODI & NAS in virtual machines0